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こちらのATC3点で『ATC GrandPrix 2019』に参加させていただく予定です🙌
I absolutely enjoyed drawing Sebastián Vettel into anime/manga style for the Ziggo Sport promo for the Grand Prix in Japan.
#SebastianVettel #f1 #manga #anime #f1anime #ziggosportf1 #ziggosport #ziggosportpromo #PromoJapan #promogp #grandprix #formula1 #japan #japanesegp #GPjapan
10.14(月祝)最終決戦 渋谷ストリームホール
チケットURL https://t.co/ue2x7zfFvf
CHERRY GIRLS PROJECT優勝したら画像のコンテナ車を作ります!
C'est (encore) lundi :-)
Voici mes lectures passées et en cours.
Ma prochaine sera pour le #grandprixdeslectriceselle 😁
Et vous, que lisez-vous?
【神バディファイト】「Buddy King Grandprix」上位入賞デッキレシピが公開!優勝「プリズムドラゴン」準優勝「アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ劇場(あんきら)」3位「BanG Dream! ガルパ☆ピコ(Roselia)」 https://t.co/MPf2TXmwJy #神バディファイト
Congratulations @LewisHamilton winning the British Grand Prix for a record sixth time #BritishGrandPrix #lewis #Hamilton #LewisHamilton #art https://t.co/hOxMmQ4ulX
【神バディファイト】「Buddy King Grandprix」優勝は「プリズムドラゴン」!準優勝「アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ劇場」!バディアゲイン新カードも公開 https://t.co/eOpfLGLAUO #神バディファイト
Trinity Modern Broadway #Cotswolds : #Motoring #Art Weekend 13th & 14th July : #MercedesBenz : #AlphaRomeo : #GrandPrix #Motorsport #ClassicCars #VintageCars : #FridayMotivation : #broadwaycarshow : Contact Stephen Sheppard 01386 859329 or email stephen@trinityhousepaintings.com
Solve the mystery behind the attacks on Iripur in Hunter's Legacy and help Ikki rid the land of dangers!
Ikki slashes down the game's price in half in honor of this year's #SteamSummerSale
Get it now!
Finalists Announced for 'Pokemon TCG Illustration Grandprix!' / Read about it @ https://t.co/fRtaGKqnxD:
この時、後にB.E.N.G.(Bold Eyebrow Nova Grandprix)で大旋風を巻き起こす事になる伝説の恥じらいガールズが誕生したのであった…………
Sans beauté, la force n'est rien. #Yuri #Plisetsky de #YuriOnIce
#YuriPlisetsky #citationmanga #citationanime #citationdusoir #citationdujour #RostelecomCup #SeniorGrandPrixFinal
checkered flag 🏁!!! The end of the week is here 🚘 last week was the GP Spain in F1 🇪🇸 a lot of people knows that I am a lover of all car competitions! I am very proud that #F1 has a race in our country 😊 I hope that this GP will be a lot of time with us #grandprix #f1 #gpspain
Moving weekend at the 2019 Spanish Grand Prix, with tribute acts for Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger. Proud to see artist Paul Oz take part with his artwork.
#F1 #formula1 #pauloz #art #SpanishGP #Senna #SennaForever #Ratzenberger #spanishgrandprix #arte #motorsport