The Gunslingers! Vera & Kid. For the

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Cuteness image from pokemon008 showing our gunslingers at a bar :)

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Gunslingers duel. Personal work 2017

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chanel vs walmart of scifi old west gunslingers tbh

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Here's a few of Billy Crooklouse from my 'Gunslingers' Project, He's your typical Hillbilly Sniper.

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here's a of a medical sniper for my 'GunSlingers' Project.

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Here's some for The Big Boom Wolf from my 'Gunslingers' project.

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here's a quick of Grease Monkey from my 'Gunslingers'.

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Here's a of the ladies from my gunslingers.
Instagram (

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This is Stormtrooper levels of bad aim

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