Hae'lynn once again exercising her right to kiss girls 😊

Art by

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Glorious day off yesterday.

Today I will work on videos, start finishing the report on Freeports, and pace.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi seachdain air leth math agaibh
I hope you have a great week
I hiner ye hae a stoatin week

0 1

Totally exhausted from a little bit of shopping.

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

0 0

Hi Tweeps

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

0 1

Time for rest again.

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

0 1

Jung Se-Ri (My Chilling Roomate) & Lee Hae Na (The Witch Store Reopening)

73 149

The official statue of Cha Hae-in from Solo Leveling, which I’m in charge of designing and sculpting, had its 3D sculpt fully approved recently by the right holders!

The face was tricky to get right in 3d but we’re pretty satisfied of it now. Next up is the prototype’s printing.

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Hi Tweeps.

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

0 0

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Such a busy day yesterday, with acupuncture and getting Covid vaccine and flu jag before shopping.

Today may be quiet, but posts to do.

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day

0 0

Hae ADs (if you're still on here) hire me for your portrait assignments-I am GREAT at them!!
Lily Elsie, Logan Roy/Brian Cox,Elliott Gould, Lotte/Liv Lisa Fries

11 21

Hi Tweeps

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi seachdain air leth math agaibh
I hope you have a great week
I hiner ye hae a stoatin week
Tá súil agam go mbeidh seachtain iontach agat

0 0

Today, I will try working with much more pacing.

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi seachdain air leth math agaibh
I hope you have a great week
I hiner ye hae a stoatin week
Tá súil agam go mbeidh seachtain iontach agat

0 2

hae ges sy balik dr hibernasi
dan nonton show baru HAHAHAHA

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its pomme from hae's computer

3 32

Hae warga twitter, maafkan kedelai ini mau menampakkan diri lagi....
Jujur keadaan lagi nda bagus akhir2 ini jadi aku memilih off lebih lama dan juga selamat ulang tahun untuk dirimu kemarin! Maaf aku engak bisa muncul ngasih selamat tapi semoga sehat selalu yah~

0 1

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

0 3

Well, it's the day after the one before.


Madainn mhath
Good morning
Guid morn tae yae
Maidin mhaith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

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