
Not too much


73 74

so my soul was taken by them

5 11

[是不是说过 还是不要尝试了啊啊啊啊啊?你丫咋就这么不!听!我!话!]



19 16


454 351


68 75

this gif fanart of is so cute 😖😍💘

cr. askhanhun

47 54

City of star……?🙊#chanhun

103 88

I can feel your delicate soul,my dear Chanyeol

16 20

happy valentine's day❤❤❤오 래 오래 😘#찬열

50 40

🐶or me?😘😘#chanse

104 79

Chanyeol must want show this pose with Sehunnie very much🌚 ❤❤❤❤#chanhun

31 30

Just one time……#Sechan

55 42