AFK中の 自分を探しに来てくれてる気配と、メッセージがあるけど、

ちょうど 自分が この、
『 Heimdallr the Vermillion Capital 』

一度も このワールドで フレンドの 顔を見たことがない(ヽ´ω`)(爆)

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Heimdallr the Vermillion Capital ←ワールド名

(4人?、2人以上で 協力して作ったのかも?)

建物の中も 楽しめるから、
1回 風景を 見に行くことを おススメ!(`’ω`*)

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152 roll so far, still no sieg
GM: Florence, Cerberus
Summon: Heimdallr, Sariel


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Like always. New month = new profile pic. On July the only important date is 22th when it's Sleipnir's day so I choose Heimdall

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The courage of Sunna, The power of Heimdal, The strength of Astrid, The resistance of Ziu, the frenzy of Aegir and the wisdom of Mimir, would give a strong warrior to midgar, named SHAZAM!⚡️

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Heimdall, llamado "El áss Blanco", poseía la capacidad de no precisar apenas de sueño, ver a grandes distancias, e incluso escuchar la hierba crecer. Heimdall era hijo de nueve hermanas, hijas de Aegir y Rán, consideradas las nueve personificaciones de las olas.

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not 2018 me drawing him,,,, I miss my man heimdall https://t.co/3TFC7JoSZ9

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Proud to say I play Heimdall in the English dub of out on Netflix today!

In the show, he's the eccentirc WWE-esque fight announcer screaming the play-by-play for the onlookers!

Thank you , Spliced Bread, and Netflix for having me on!

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OC doodles

Heimdal and then also ya boi Lucifer with his ungodly tits of pure evil out

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Day 8: Favourite MCU Solo Film.

Thor: Ragnarok

Most transformative of all the solo films for the protagonist. Sets Thor to be the most tragic hero. Funniest MCU film with the most depressing ending. Anti-nationalist. Hela 🥵 Heimdall 🥵 Valkyrie 🥵 Jeff Goldblum 🥴

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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well then... Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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Heimdall on Gjallarhorn from the Viking Gods of METAL!!! 🤘

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