more brainstorming for that
The problems with having a secret identity.
(character belongs to )

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Return of the sonic real time fandub quotes

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Alternate outfits! (reupload since I decided to tweak a few things)
left are their regular supersuits, middle ones are their "amateur"/beginner costumes, and right are villain costumes for a mirror universe or something

Characters belong to

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The city's okayest heroes meet some actually famous ones and decide to "help out" with their doomsday device situation. Things probably won't end well for any of them.

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"Well, well, well... look what the cat dragged in!"
Solo missions never really go that smoothly, do they?

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Another one of the miscellaneous heroes for the Murphy & Mitzi superhero AU. Meet Iridium Otter! He's quite obviously based on Iron Man since they both use hi-tech suits of armor to fight crime.
But this one's an otter, so it's different.

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More fun with alternate outfits (related to a potential plot about Murphy getting hit by an evil ray and everyone trying to snap him out of it)
Characters belong to

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They've certainly had better days...

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The ideas keep comin'!
This one's kinda more of a sketch, but considering Dr. Hare's an evil inventor, it'd make sense for him to have a bunch of robotic mooks to boss around/get blown up.

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The Retail Renegade, one of the non-Squad affiliated heroes.
I'd imagine her being a Batman-esque vigilante, not having any powers but somehow getting access to a whole bunch of cool gadgets.

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Decided to design a hero form for Roxanne here.
Introducing SuperStar! Alongside powers such as flight, super strength, and laser vision, she can also summon a guitar made of energy.

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Here's a handy chart for identifying who's who, whether that be heroes, villains, or... others, I guess.

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Decided to redesign Polarity Bear's suit, and her demonstrating her powers on an unsuspecting hero. (Also, Polarity Bear is such a good play on words, in my honest opinion)

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Out of the handful of villains I designed for the superhero AU, I think Sgt. Boom's my favorite, so I decided to draw him and his giant bazooka again.

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Our heroes get their first experience of betrayal...

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Danger Dog's stressful life is mostly thanks to one of her team-mates messing up. In fact, almost every heroic exploit that ends up on TV is just her fixing a blunder one of the other heroes made.

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