It's been a while since we've been able to catch a . A lot have happened since that, but we're proudly hodling these 2 very special ones...iconic characters from the 90s, Chun Li and Lola Bunny!

0 18

Whether it's the helmet or the suit, buns r gunna wunna be hodling an Eva bun when u see the full body version. Dass all I'm sayin'.

3 22

Hi fam, I have been distracted by a lot of other recent events lately. But I'm still here, and I'm hodling. Can't wait until the news, whatever that might be.

38 162

Been a while now, eagerly waiting for the final release. Patiently these warriors since as long as I can remember 🖼🎮

0 12

hodling strong 💪 through the "end times"! 😝 Strong conviction and tight-knit community!! 🤝 Volume still moving briskly 🔥 Just this morn, massive 1/1 trade from the beast , and rehoming several floor Quirks in need of love!!💕

23 63

DYOR and invest in teams that are building and you should have nothing to worry about right now. The flippers market was never sustainable and a bubble pop was inevitable. I’m still super bullish on two projects that I’m hodling- and

1 14

This overcoat is as close as it gets to a mushroom suit . And the is hodling their bags through this crypto storm 💎🙌🏻

1 8

So good to look back at January! Hello from my Day1 pair of bean hodlings after some flipping 🐾🦊🦥

0 3

First project I ever minted when I got into the space in September, and i'm still hodling. Game coming out this week, and aliens coming soon after dat. Lets get it.

13 37

hodling onto mine so tightly, even the ones that bite... like this one...

1 4

NAME your DOGGO time!🐶🔥

Are you hodling a BKC NFT & want your dog to be named something other than the assigned

✅Hop in our Discord
✅Drop the link to your dog & it's Name in the Kennel Club Channel
✅Reply by Monday to participate

4 16

Future is bright for Derpy Birbs! 🔥🚀

I'm hodling my diamond body Birb with diamond hands 💎🖐️🐦

3 6

—My takeaway from this chart—

People rotating out of shows the impatience and short-term memory of the NFT market. The Doodle DAO has been the gold standard for a 10K PFP DAO, they ran an amazing IRL experience at SXSW, and the team is top notch. Still HODLing mine.

23 378

“La Pulga” was my first mint ever, a 5/5 edition. Looks like one is available for 0.3ETH on secondary, but the other four are hodling one.

2 12

The proud lion 🦁shows conviction for an asset that stores all the value and energy you have put into your daily working life.

0 3