Kobo sangat imut, aku harus mencoba menggambarnya
(I don't know Indonesian, I just used trad)

42 567


9 22

1일 1낙 25일차 zeta

152 954

【切り抜き1コマ/Cripping comic】"kobo"kan

21 94

Congrats on your debut girls!

(re-upload with their art tag)

40 207

Aer kobokan nih, ga nyangka pas nyanyi live tadi bagus bet 😭👌

6 82

Our cute pawang, congrats for debut!

19 142

Congrats buat debutnyaaa!!!! cute rain shaman

4 49

Kobo Kanaeru, Congrats for your debut :D. It was a blast ~

7 30

Match the other person's eye level.

21 144

“Kobo Kanaeru at your service! Let me be your Sun to shine your day!”

4 26

The Gen 3 has assembled, they’re such an adorable trio

0 3