Another entry of small and dangerous enemies from my symphony.
This time they are also outnumbering you!

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The idle of the protagonist from my symphony. Im really happy with it.

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Did you ever hurt your fingers while closing a piano? In my symphony, it would hurt a lot!

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Like the desert Snake, there is an Instrument hiding in the Swamps of the Piano Area in my symphony, so dont step on one or it`ll shoot you!

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Lets start the piano enemies of my symphony with the smallest one, a kalimba! its so cute

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Don underestimate this Trumpet. Its small but deadly. And it leads the whole Desert area in my Symphony.

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Is this a Sandstorm? No! It's just another Enemy of my Symphony from the desert.

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You better get out of the Way. Or get jumped on by this foe of my Symphony. We are still in the desert if you couldnt tell.

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Uh. Oh. Be careful what you step on in the sand. It might be an enemy of my Symphony.

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Uh.oh. whats jumping out of the water like a shark? probably the violin boss of my symphony.

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be careful, the second level on this enemy got an aimbot in the swimming googles. from my Symphony.

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Say Hello to the of the BOSS of the Wooden Instruments in my Symphony. Can you dodge those horrific Attacks?

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be careful, the new designs are explosive. Another wooden instrument from my Symphony.

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After two melee wooden instruments, here is one ranged enemy from my symphony.

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do you know this instrument? hint: its a wooden one from my Symphony. i love the armor on the lvl 3 one.

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we visit my favourite race, the wooden instruments of my Symphony. i hope you like the cute

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Here is the Boss of the Harparea in my Symphony. With his released i will start to release the enemy one day at a time. Enjoy.

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A few days to relax, but suddenly are wild Harps storming into your Home from my Symphony. Since you've already seen a few of the Harps you get actually more than 1 today.

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