This Scotland cartoon is by Dutch cartoonist Tom Janssen. See many more at:

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We try not to get political but we do have some relevant stickers if you're voting today :)

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Lets see if Twitter will let me post my big wet Scotland KISS! More at - come visit!

9 6

It's a big day for GB today! Are you a YES or a NO? by Alexander Jackson.

2 1

This is how the UK looks today

1557 502

After a Yes, plans for a higher minimum wage will see 100,000 women better off

158 82

Westminster’s 3 'wise' men travel north with gifts: private NHS, Trident & govts we didn’t vote for

260 112

Westminster’s 3 'wise' men travel north with gifts: private NHS, Trident & govts we didn’t vote for

290 131

Indyref images: Dundee students put pen to paper to reveal hopes and fears

6 3

After we vote Yes, Vladimir Putin’s going to come for us once he’s finished off his neighbours

163 82

Westminster cuts threaten to push 100,000 more kids in Scotland into poverty by 2020

76 25

"A world time lapse map showing where people tweeted about tonight"

33 22

Mr Darling is wrong when he says “Scotland’s budget is increasing and has increased”

282 70