画質 高画質

ทรงตัวดี แต่มีคนช่วยทรงตัว😌🤍🤏🏻

375 594


The vampire lady, she inspired classic horror novel by an acquaintance of Beardsley, title of that book is "Dracula".

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Pleasure to make your acquaintance. First one is the only once that's recent.

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Este es sin duda el dibujo que mas tiempo me ha tomado hacer, y lo hice con mucho cariño, esforzandome por los detalles e intando mejorar! Dejo a mi Shonita por aquí!

1 4

Sou um artista amador que sonha em ser concept artist, esses dois são meus xodós pq mandei MUITO bem pintando eles.
é isto

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I've been working on some different colour variations of my dog prints recently! Is there a particular kind of breed/colour combo you would like to see? Let me know below ✨

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art of acquaintance in streamer's disco

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This a new scene for the Disk 3 of terminal madness
you’ll find a very special fountain

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gepengie memang ada ya cerita yang kisah cintanya ekstrim banget? kalau ada drop judulnya dong *jangan lupa sensor!!
ini panel dari <M3n4ntu T0koh 4ntagon1s Pvny4 B4tasan W4ktv di kk₩>

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Le estaba pintando el pelo, a Madison no le gusta su pelo natural (es su hermano, se llama Julián)

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Man is an individual only because of his intangible memory. But memory cannot be defined, yet it defines mankind.

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Boris Pelcer
Visual Artist. Psychonaut.🧑‍🚀
Exploring The Intangible. 🍄
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 👁️
Morpheus. Acrylic on Wood. 9 x 12 in.

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Yo pintando cuando estoy de bajona

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Y si, me encanta hacer dibujos de mi estilo basados en escenas de Dragon Ball...
Y es más divertido invitar a mis amigos a la fiesta jejeje.😁😁🐉

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