Since I'm weird and like random statistics... My Top Waifus and the number of fanart I've done of them:
Ayane: 14 pics
Jubes: 18 pics
Harley: 20 pics
Sakura: 38 pics

13 114

Definitely getting comfortable drawing and coloring this way. Looking forward to taking it further...(actually excited about drawing again)

10 67

Progression Series! I'm *really* enjoying the shift back to comic-style drawing. I finally figured out how to color it too! Who knew that "coloring it exactly as I've been coloring everything" would work so well? It's almost too convenient.

8 67

I have a strong appreciation for Jubilee's... powers.

24 139

Some unfortunate Jubes costumes...

7 48

teeny art dump, here’s some shit i haven’t posted here but have posted on places like my insta (jujubesbilliard on instagram)

0 1

Jubes wears short-shorts! 🎶

28 162

Dunno why is trending but I think it's a good time to start hyping some ! (Pretty sure all my first fictional childhood crushes were X-men characters...)

6 56

If you like Raven art, well, just wait till October when she's "Girl of the Month"...

Current GotM is Jubilee! (Teen Titans and X-men sorta ruled comics in the 1980s)

25 146

Jubilee is "Girl of the Month" through July of 2020! All commissions featuring Jubes receive a 25% Discount! Email me or @ me if you're interested! (email preferred). My Email can be found on top of my DA profile!



33 186

Progression Series! One thing I like about coloring Jubes pictures is they really let me blast all the colors. She's definitely not one for an unsaturated palette!

8 63

I have two more figures (both are in boxes right now), and I used one of them for this pic of Jubes. Pretty sure the Oola pic and this one are the only times I've ever used them. *thinks*

4 25

Progression Series! Hopefully Jubes will have a really good month this month!

6 35

Preview... (will post it in full tomorrow!)

9 75

Jubilee is "Girl of the Month" through July of 2020! All commissions featuring Jubes receive a 25% Discount! Email me or @ me if you're interested! (email preferred). My Email can be found on top of my DA profile!



40 150

a donation comission but also just a couple of faves

is there a ship couple name for Jubes and Laura?

20 63

Hope yer ready for July's Girl of the Month because she'll be here before ya know it!

21 164

Marvel Girls (in case you thought I was biased towards DC Girls...well, I am, but y'know, I like Marvel a lot too)

44 241

Jubes is my Number One X-waifu

38 260