Lil Stevie Comic Crossover with Brick and Dusty. 4 of 7 and I feel I am just now getting the pacing. We may have to do this again! Enjoy

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Brick and Dusty meet Lil Stevie Comic HEY everybody welcome to a special week. The CROSSOVER! Hope you all have as much fun as we are making them. I am so nervous to be drawing Bill, Brick and Dusty tomorrow. Enjoy!

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Lil Stevie Comic 85 The Conclusion of the Bill Saga. We are one day a way from the Brick and Dusty crossover I am so excited. Inspired by the art of and the heart inspired by

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Lil Stevie Comic 84 Bills , they are NO fun. Every time we save, something crazy happens, but God always provides us wit what we need. Thank you for your strip that inspired so many cartoonist.

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IF you are enjoying the strip please LIKE and SHARE! Lil Stevie Comic 83 BILLS they are a part of life. If you can not life you may cry. thank you Mr for and all the inspiration.

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Lil Stevie Comic 82 I have always heard children have short attention spans. We all do.Attention span is dictated by interest not age.#Faith Inspired by the art of

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Who does’nt enjoy a good crossover?! and ComingSoon

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Lil Stevie Comic 80 Lesson Humility: You know the day is coming when your kids will be smarter than you. Try to accept it graciously or just walk out of the room. Inspired by the art of

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Lil Stevie Comic 79 This was inspired by a new friend that doesn’t live anywhere near me. Great musician.

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Good Morning all. Took a moment to warm up painting over a Hope everyone has a great day!

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Lil Stevie Comic 76 Lesson Sticky: Glue is sticky. So are situations if you don’t know how to handle them. Let pride go when people are willing to help. Heart inspired by Art Inspired by

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Lil Stevie Comic 75 Lesson Tricks: Like the night the enemy will try to trick you eyes. Keep your focus and do not be deceived. Heart inspired by of Art inspired by of

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Lil Stevie Comic 74 Welcome to Fall. MyFavorite season. Lesson Motivation: What motivates you? Figure that out and use it as your reward to reach your goals.

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Lil Stevie Comic 73 Lesson Self Worth: You are just as you are suppose to be. You do not need to compare yourself. As if on cue preached a sermon today almost on this same topic at

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Lil Stevie Comic 72 Lesson Wives: I am thoroughly convinced God gave us wives to get us straightened out before we get to Heaven. I am pretty good but still can not resist these opportunities. Somehow my wife always , I mean ALWAYS catches me.

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Lil Stevie Comic 71 Lesson Problems: Don’t turn your back on your problems and expect them to go away. In this case it is going away but that will only cause new problems. inspires Heart inspires art

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Lil Stevie Comic 70 Lesson Protection: Psalms 91:11 “For he shall give his angels charge over thee.” I want to thank all my Angels who watch over me. Thank you Lord for sending them. Heart inspired by of

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Lil Stevie Comic 69 Lesson Wait for It:Sometimes jokes take awhile. These are not always going to be real deep. Heart inspired by of Art inspired by of and of

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Lil Stevie Comic 67 Lesson Patience: Much like little Stevie we are often too eager. Unlike Stevie’s dad our father the Lord , will often prepare us before handing us the tire iron. Be patient so you will be ready.

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Lil Stevie Comic 66 Thank you to all who allow my family in. Though based on an actual event I am not sure how I want to end this. is inspired by of and the art style of and

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