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ah forgot to update, here's the result of the "what logo should I put on her hat" poll:
Aperture Laboratories won the poll! And nearly tied to Black Mesa with only 0.5% difference.
People love Half-Life so much eh 😆
Wine label design idea, picture of cat and logo
btw, aku jadi kepikiran kalau jangan² sebenernya referensi karakter rin itu sedikit-banyak dari duolingo.
1. rin disimbolkan dg burung hantu🦉, logo duolingo jg simbolnya🦉
2. rin belajar bahasa inggris
3. rin kalau ngambek vibes nya kyk notif duolingo https://t.co/ehShPGfQGe
Bom dia! Dormiram bem?
O P1 é logo as 06:30h e o P2 as 10h. Fodase as licões. F1 é mais importante.
Bom dia! Dormiram bem?
Logo no dia que tem educa por 2h, começa a chover. Vai toma no cu!
Boa noite! Durmam bem.
Quero que o ano acabe logo, mas não quero que acabe... Akanshsowndhiwnehdhs
Art! Sender gabut jd bkin bginian, sampe sampe mndiscover warna kotak susu tuh patch nya bagus, dan merhatiin that little heart shape di logo fsian flag tuh gumush gndut gndut plumped heart ❤❤❤
Btw kl ada yg mau coba resepnya jg boleh 👀
Here is the logo of the "Healing Swords" I drew today.^^
The Healing Swords is an Idol Group with Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), Alear (Fire Emblem Engage), and Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening) I will draw this month.
#XenobladeChronicles2 #FireEmblemEngage #FireEmblemAwakening
Bom dia! Dormiram bem?
Logo no começo da P2 de Stone Ocean vc percebe, mesmo sem saber como, que a qualidade é diferente. Parece estranha e ruim, comparada com da P1.
Boa noite! Durmam bem.
Muito sono. Demais. Ah, hoje eu comecei Stone Ocean e já vi 6 episódios. Não pq a Netflix separou em 2 partes, mas logo termino nesse ritmo.
@ChrysaliaCsilla @_DreamFields Thank you for the chance!!💕If I do manage to win I'd love a logo <3
Holoctober Day-23
Konbini Uniform Zeta
Thanks to Iofi for the prompt and logo!✨
#HOLOctober #Zetacrylic
Holoctober Day-22
Thanks to Iofi for the prompt and logo!✨