Heyo forgot about these other three from the adopts I was offering!

Brown fluffy: $20
Beast: $20
Dragon Dog: $25

Comment below to claim or DM me!
Will be paid via square or paypal invoice.

4 12

Me: One Piece ain’t shit


Me: has he always been this hot or

0 7

: we have conscience
Luffy: i still have partners

Linking to and the appreciation to press, first-aid-er, ,#netizen, etc.

0 0

Google and the whole damn One Piece world:  
A pirate is a seaman or robber who attacks, seizes or destroys any ship at high seas and sometimes even harbours. Besides that, they were involved in many other illegal activates like smuggling and slave trades. 

Meanwhile Luffy:

36 110

Therapist: Mankey D. Luffy isn't real, he can't hurt you.
Mankey D. Luffy:

12 16

“He will never be the pirate king!”

Luffy: “yea aight”

3702 10031

nami: figuring out how to make money off of sanji's potions
sanji: getting distracted by nami
luffy: thinks the potion might be edible ??!!
zoro: bracing for the inevitable cauldron explosion due to sanji's idiocy

202 584

第35回お題 『意外な一面』

Law is blushed for being shy.

Luffy: I would like to see your face~~~
Law: No....
Luffy: Come~ on~~~

17 56

Fluffy: Here's a warm soft boy, the afterward of an art block I've been agonizing on. I'm thinking of calling him August.

0 0




0 13

"Luffy I'm leaving your crew for good don't bother saving me"

Luffy: "LufFy I'm LeaVinG yoUR cReW foR GOod DoN'T botHeR sAvinG mE"

160 274

-"¿Por qué arriesgas tu vida por alguien que acabas de conocer?"
-Luffy: "Porque él tiene un sueño que merece ser cumplido..."

38 79

"Ace:: Lo siento, pero he venido a buscar a mi hermano pequeño.
Luffy: ¡¡¡COMIIIIDAAAA!!!"

46 76

"Nami: ¿¡Qué haremos!? ¡Enel es muy fuerte!
Luffy: Eres una nakama del próximo rey de los piratas. No te preocupes."

78 126

"Ace:¿¡Por qué me sigues cada día arriesgando tu vida!?
Luffy:Porque yo... ¡¡No tengo a nadie más!!"

45 65