Preview de Gambit (of 5) par Chris Claremont, Sid Kotian et Espen Grundetern chez

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Uncanny X-Men cover dated August 1987.

Wolverine becomes the new leader of the X-Men! What's happened to Storm? Forge, the man who stole her powers, knows-and he's not telling until he's sure she's dead! "Unfinished Business" is written by Chris Claremont, penciled...[1/2]

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El dia de hoy hablaremos de taomon el digimon que representa mejor el lore de mi amado furro . Es un digimom onmyoujin y su facultad en magia es super elevada aparte su punto fuerte son ataques con taslimanes y encantamientos.

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📚📚A la secció de llibres d'aquesta setmana parlarem de l'última novetat editorial, ‘Bruixes’, escrit per 📚📚

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One good thing about La Niña is that it’s pretty inspiring material from a painter’s perspective ⛈
“Sunshine After Rain”, 22X30cm, oil on yupo.

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Here's my part of an art trade with a friend of mine on Instagram! ✨
I've drawn his OC, Bella Claremont in my style. ⭐💕

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“Phoenix” by Chris Claremont centers on Jean’s first manifestation of Phoenix. It also blurs the line between mortal and cosmic force. From Classic X-Men (1987).

“My consciousness—my form, and its ability to communicate on this plane of existence—derive from you.”


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Mañana a las 17:00 en nuestro twitch grabaremos un nuevo episodio del podcast. Esta semana hablaremos de la polémica Japan Weekend. Quien quiera aportar puede comentarnos aquí, o en el propio chat durante la transmisión

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Thankful for the lushness that is the south coast at the moment… “Rain Passing Near Kiama”, 85X85cm, oil on polycotton.

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Hoy quisiera caminar
por esos campos floridos,
volviendo a ser aqel niño
de los sueños tan sinceros,
Y aunque parezca utopía,
sé que el alma puede hacerlo.
¡Ojalá Don Juan Ramón
nos conduzca desde el cielo!...

Esta tarde de sábado, Platero y yo allí volaremos. ¿Me acompañan?

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Avui nem a obrir un fil, una mica torracollons, pero aixo m'encanta.
Parlarem del "Gohan Beast" de coses que entenc.
(Demano disculpes per les faltes aixo sera llarg i no em posare a pasar el corrector tota l'estona.)

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Preview de Gambit (of 5) par Chris Claremont, Sid Kotian et Espen Grundetern chez

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Claremont's writing is often mocked for being overly verbose, but like... it fucking works. It works real well.

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llaveros y prints de genshin! 🍃
en la charla también hablaremos sobre cómo hemos trabajado para hoyoverse y enseñaremos el video que hemos hecho para el aniversario!! 👀<3

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These issues make it really apparent that Claremont absolutely loves writing Wolverine and they have me pretty excited for the iconic solo series

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UXM holy fuck that was amazing. Claremont managed to make the reader (me) feel the same sense of panic and desperation that Logan was experiencing. The action was awesome and it handles really well one of my favorite aspects of the comic medium, internal monologues

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eu so passei a gostar da quinta e achar ela foda depois de jogar ela, os pokemons sao muito bem implementados no jogo e na lore, tbm tem muito pokemon que quase nunca vejo falarem que acho daora que nem esses, mas os que sao ruins da quinta sao uma bosta mesmo odeio eles

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Ya nos arreglaremos en casa, Blu

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Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen Windsor and Alex Claremont-Diaz as Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo.

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Per què?
Perquè tenim ganes de fer bullir l'olla creativa, artística, cultural, al Moianès! Parlarem una mica de tot, i a vegades fins i tot ens posarem intenses amb segons quins temes que ens toquen d'aprop. I esperem que hi participeu!

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