Workout Buddies Day 5: Water 💦

Nothings more important than making sure you’re hydrated!

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This was really fun for me to make, I hope you all liked it as well! 😊

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Workout Buddies Day 4: Running and Biking 🚴‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Instead of lifting weights, these exercises are cardiovascular (they get the heart pumping) 🫀

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Workout Buddies Day 3: Bench Press & Curls 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♂️

Since yesterday was bodyweight exercises, these are added weight exercises!

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Doodling some marine paleofauna over fossils while listening to a lecture on marine paleobiology (im havin a great time rn) 😄

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Workout Buddies Day 2: Sit Ups & Planks 💪

Most of these are gonna be some of my favorite exercises, I have no idea what actual power lifter/body builders do 😅

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Drawing Cleo and Scar as Workout Buddies for No Reason other than It Is Fun Day 1:

Was this just an excuse to draw fun 80s clothes? Maybe!🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♂️

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they say there's a new pirate in town,, did you know??

untag in them replies pls !!

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You can't tell me NakedToaster and Xyx don't look similar to Estinien and Leofard.
here are some sketches

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some Last Life art I never got around to posting here oop

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drowned pirate!cleo bc empires <3 also seaweed as part of their hair!! :D and a peg leg bc why not :p

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Fairy Fort Sleepover 🍄 04/08/2022 - (Cleo and Lizzie, Last Life SMP) Oough I found hashtags lol

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