THE DARKNESS OF DAISIES The habit of dressing children in daisy chains comes from a desire to protect them against malevolent FAIRIES. Daisies are a sun symbol and therefore protective magic! 🎨J.J Grandville; Fairy Angel, Highgate

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"As she adjusted her eyes to the sand below her, she caught sight of a shiny object. Her eyes widened. A weird metal prism was attached to her wrist."

Panel of Chapter 1 : The Art of Survival

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Got inspired and made our Scorched tribute too 👁️👄👁️

2 21

a definitely very normal guy who has undergone no predicaments whatsoever

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Obsessed with the doodle I made of our favorite lil guy

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10 28

Another Friday, another FOTC chapter- and more art!

Fate of the cosmos Chapter 12: A day in low gravity

0 31

Art for a tumblr buddy doing a Malevolent event on tumblr!

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We finished the comic <33333 (1/2)

Lowkey I think it falls off at the end but we gonna ignore that :)))

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50/365 Aromantic Arthur. Taking a break from Funguary since it's so gonna draw some of my fave aro and aro coded blorbos.

0 1

Anywayyyyy, pg 1 of the comic

Its gonna be a hot sec before I finish the rest tho

1 4

I finished another piece (rly proud of this one) The creature in ep 9 was so neat to me. (Ep 8-9 are just fab eps all around) -just tags everything-

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