Lik Of course we know the characters have control of themselves to NOT Just BUST the Planet, Galaxy or Universe they are fighting on/in But still it be Dope to feel some WOW moments cuz Blowin up a Planet these days is so casual in DB its not impressive anymore for the series lol

6 50

W3 ar3 gath3ring 10 n3w [ 3P ] knights to join our Ranks.

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- LIK3, RT, tag your fri3nd and put your post notifications on 🔔

10 [3P] WL winn3rs will b3 chos3n in 12 hours.

2692 2939

me n the boytoy<3333 sketch and pose by him and rendering by me!1!!1! lik3s and rtwts greatly appreciated!!!!

1 3

Recent stuffs i dids here :D but also lik them Y2K/Spooky artz

0 0

[ zombi3 ]

33 WL spots. 24 hours.

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- Lik3 and RT this tw33t

- Tag your Fri3nds .

3996 4182

W3 ar3 gath3ring 10 n3w [ 3P ] members.

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- LIK3, RT, tag your fri3nd and put your post notifications on 🔔

10 [3P] WL winn3rs will b3 chos3n in 12 hours.

3963 3649

Hey! I'm opening my commission to make your fye live2d model. I'm attaching some of my previous models, Hope you'll lik'em<3

Since your dms are closed!
Glance at,

0 0

i drank doctor pepper and Noe i look lik bthis. Twitter and elon misk and tommy in it cant stop me .. .39902 😄🦎🦎🦎🦎🧊😇😜🖕

0 2

Bro! I'm an expert 3d designer/artist. Please take a look at my recent work if you lik'em so hit me up or shoot me a dm then we'll and work on your project.
Have a look!

0 0

Hey! I'm taking commissions, I'm showing you my previous furry ref sheet work, If you lik'em then contact me.
Glance at please,

0 0

Hey! I'm taking commissions, I'm showing you my previous furry ref sheet work, If you lik'em then contact me.
Glance at please,

0 0

Gotcha! I can make your character artwork, Please take a look at my recent character artwork, If you lik'em so contact me asap!

Glance at,

0 0

hes so me irl and ghats his name so … lik……e………………

0 0

im s numbr one fan lik and rt his model is so cute

1 4

Lik sneak attack bcuz i am epic hell yeah!

Guys trust me, she's a pure ballerina-

5 25

[ th3 all s33ing and d3nying 3y3s ]

Th3 unblind b3li3v3rs

Lik3 , r3tw33t, comm3nt and follow to b3 consid3r3d for our whit3list raffl3.

2744 3325