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Merlin used the same arts and techniques he used on Mount Killaraus to install the Giant’s Dance on their new site. The Dance was a fitting and enduring monument as King Aurelius intended, proving “the victory of art over strength” https://t.co/CnR0SEPKWS

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Undines, essence & spirit manifestation of waves in water were said to dwell in streams, waterfalls, ponds, marshes, rivers, lakes & the ocean. Most lived as water nymphs but some acquired souls, married & birthed children.

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✨Deva and Gryphon/Fairy and Griffon
Gustave Moreau, 1876

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A mermaid and a man married. As she was dying, she asked to be returned to the sea. But the husband thought to save her soul and buried her by the church door. The sea-folk brought a tidal wave to drown the town. And so, the mermaid returned to the water...

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Today's theme is ... creatures of and
Check out our hashtag day themes every week: https://t.co/tLBw9JsgkU

And read our guide on where to find folklore here:

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Scylla & Charybdis (Greek mythology). Two monsters dwelling on either side of the Strait of Messina, Scylla represented the dangers of the rocky shore, Charybdis represented a deadly whirlpool. 

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The September's edition of is out now

It includes the monthly article on Cumbrian folklore by

This month, dwarves in Cumbrian folklore

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..of Greek Mythology, a magnificent creature, with a lion's body, and a bird's head, usually that of an eagle, that guarded the gold and other treasured possessions of kings, a very powerful and majestic beast..

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Today’s pairing of book with an item on display in “From Book to Movie” Exhibit is: Robin Hood (1917) by Paul Creswick & illustrated by N. C. Wyeth (Lois Lenski Collection)

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Before his fame, Cuchulain was known as Setanta. As a child, he joined a hurley game in progress without asking, and found himself competing against every boy on the field...and won! Later I'll be posting Cuchulain as a 20th lvl PC for DND5e.

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Today we are celebrating the birthday of author Diana Wynne Jones (Howl’s Moving Castle) our ✨THURSDAY THEME✨ is MAGIC IN LITERATURE✨Tag us for retweets✨

We will also be hanging out with the FABULOUS
for “hobbies, sports and recreation"✨

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An early collection of fairy tales was described as "impossible to read without vomiting even on an empty stomach.”
The stories included... Cinderella. What was going on? , author of The Fairy Tellers, explains:

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The xana is a fairy from Asturian mythology that lives in fountains. They are all female with long curly golden hair and lithe builds. Their beauty belies an ugly inside; they are vain, cruel, and greedy enough to exhibit hoarding behavior similar to dragons.

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El gallo de la muerte, un ave ficticia del folklore cántabro creada por Manuel Llano, inspirada, seguramente, en el mito del basilisco: https://t.co/oSYh9FwEfe

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A CROOKED MILE - Selected Illustrated Nursery Rhymes by Rima Staines

New! Pre-order your copy here!

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In Latin American lore La Patasola is a terrifying, one legged vampire-like creature haunting remote mountains and dense untamed forests and seen as a guardian of the wild animals and the jungle https://t.co/atGcyvv1tf

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"The spirit thou lamentest is not gone;
Ye caverns and ye forests, cease to moan!" (Shelley)

🎨 San'Ok (2021)

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The Celtic tree month of Hazel goes from 5th Aug to 1st Sep. Hazel is the tree of knowledge, wisdom & poetic inspiration, & its nuts bring prophetic power. It is good for magical wands & dowsing for water & ley lines, as it holds the secrets of the earth.

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