Fanarts from DA!
Title of the 1st one is "There is a Use for You".
o-oh... Now I wonder what Glimmy is telling to Trix's ear.
The 2nd is WINK! Trixie❤️
Appreciated vectors!

1 8

Almost 9 years I've been waiting to see Minty in this gen and they wait until literally the last part of the last episode 😂 Well I guess she's in there now. I loved the finale by the way!

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This photo of the great and powerful Trixie was one of the best things about this week's episode of

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Ideal job candidate for every occasion :

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Honestly, so many fan works depict Octavia as super stuck-up to be the straight man to Vinyl Scratch's constant antics.

So to see her being so enthusiastic and kinda wild just makes me really happy for some reason.

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watched the mlp series finale n I kried like a wee baby

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Designs are based off the finale episode but with a little of my own touch ups ^^

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Also as I said 2 months ago this episode knocked the doors off with so many good starlight expressions. :)

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this maybe the last time we see him in G4 :(

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Burning up a sun, just to say goodbye 😭


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Rainbow Dash + Applejack

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(Late) Day 5 - Princess
Not gonna lie I cried when Twilight came on screen like this. That Finale broke me man, I can't believe it's over

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Pretty sure this season has some of the best faces.

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To Twilight it is at times. XD

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And more of these gold Rarity expressions from episode 19. ;)

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