why have i been drawing mihashi abnormally tall since 2014

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Love them too much 😘😘😘

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tagged by ! too much shy to tag but these are: sugawara from hq, linda belcher, and mihashi from oofuri

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last day of me drawing dumb gay sports anime. here's winged mihashi. ps who am i kidding I'll never leave this hell

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get urself a man who looks at u the way mihashi looks at abe

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making mihashi charm too ⚾️🐱

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i made a very smol abemihashi doodle for bc she never got her oofurixmas gift… abe is a Friend to Birds

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if any of u like abemiha (abe's desperate attempt to make mihashi smile)

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baby mihashi done, all the dokis for oofuri

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