🌸I really wanted to do something for but I couldn't because of some circumstances
⭐️ so here, take these cuties now ! ⭐️

44 132


Mine thought he's still on the job and shows up in suits.

21 51

looks like u followed me.......now get MineDai'd

18 58

« It can't be your son! He is so cute !
- He's my son, idiot!
- Fortunately, he inherited Nao, he has not your ugly face.
- Quiet now ! »

3 5

“Why would you sacrifice a billion yen, for a person like me?”
“It’s because you’re family. Isn’t that enough?”

22 52

Aomine: Kise, you look so cute when you're mad!
Kise: ...
Aomine: Give me a smile!
Kise: No Aominecchi ... I'm pissed! 💛💙😤🤭✨

9 16

Maybe a little bit of Minedai?

16 49

More fanart for Hyenas by nakedhelot, featuring size 12 Spongebob flip flops and Kagami being a shirtless menace.

5 12

Notice Aominecchi's arm: A few minutes ago he was annoying Kise! 💛💙✨😂😼

4 8

Kise: Aominecchi, can you wake me up in an hour? I'm a little tired.
Aomine: Of course Kise, you can sleep and I wake you up.
Result: Aominecchi ended up sleeping too! 😂😴❤️✨💙💛

3 7

Kise: Wait...
Aomine: What? So do you like it when i do it this way?
Kise: Aominecchi... my body... is strange!
Aomine: Don't worry Kise, I will make you feel great! 💙💛✨🔥🤭

2 5