'Curved Barn,' (1922) The first impression this painting (Bex Mill, Sussex) gives is of a summary evocation; it's important to remember that Hitchens was one of the most quietly radical British artists of his era, steeped in post-impressionist and modernist French painting.

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Look for the Beaver Hall painters at https://t.co/H0WgdaMfdJ & read "The Women of Beaver Hall: Canadian Modernist Painters" & "The Beaver Hall Group and Its Legacy". & https://t.co/tohBn3f7rG

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'Mayo' Antoine Malliarakis (Greek - French 1905 - 1990) well known for his surrealist work, Mayo also painted strong modernist portraits. https://t.co/9dYyBNIjiw

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"LA FIGURE HUMAINE DANS L’ART AU QUÉBEC” par ESTHER TRÉPANIER. LES MARDIS 10, 17 ET 24 MAI: 13 h 30 à 16 h. https://bellesheures. For more: "The Women of Beaver Hall: Canadian Modernist Painters" & "The Beaver Hall Group and Its Legacy". & https://t.co/tohBn3f7rG

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Why is Picasso on show in our gallery? How did Picasso influence the artists of St Ives?

Our informal daily tours are an introduction to the history of the town’s modernist artists https://t.co/MRni1xW8TT

Pablo Picasso Head of a Woman 1924 © Succession Picasso/DACS 2022

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A German officer visited Picasso in his Paris studio during the Second World War. There he saw Guernica and, shocked at the modernist "chaos" of the painting, asked Picasso: "Did you do this?" Picasso calmly replied: "No, you did this!"
~ Slavoj Žižek

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A German officer visited Picasso in his Paris studio during the Second World War. There he saw Guernica and, shocked at the modernist "chaos" of the painting, asked Picasso: "Did you do this?" Picasso calmly replied: "No, you did this!"
~ Slavoj Žižek

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Thanks Dan it’s a large modernist canvas that will be available for sale when finished,clearly it’s a statement about the current dire issues re Russia/UKraine .I’ll factor you in once it’s finished. It will literally be a fab. Impact painting.🎨😊https://t.co/BJoMcpRKbn

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Anne Savage, "Lake Wonish”. Available at https://t.co/H0WgdaMfdJ: $11,500. For more see the Savage chapters in The Women of Beaver Hall: Canadian Modernist Painters & The Beaver Hall Group and Its Legacy. & https://t.co/tohBn3f7rG

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Wednesday 13th April - 'Odol' (1925) by Stuart Davis. Almost 40 years before Warhol's Brillo Box and Campbell's soup cans the American Modernist painter Stuart Davis drew inspiration from the worlds of advertising and mass production.

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Three White Tulips, a 1912 painting by Charles Sheeler . The picture shows the influence of European modernists like Cézanne on early career of Sheeler, who would go on to become better known for his industrially-focused Precisionist works https://t.co/egj9oLFoXB

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Coming soon. “Prudence Heward: Canadian Modernist Painter": https://t.co/tohBn2Xw36. For more on Heward, see The Women of Beaver Hall: Canadian Modernist Painters & The Beaver Hall Group and Its Legacy.

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Coming soon. “Prudence Heward: Canadian Modernist Painter": https://t.co/tohBn3f7rG. A.Y. Jackson claimed, “[Heward] was the very best painter we ever had in Canada and she never got the recognition she richly deserved in her lifetime.”

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The creeping modernist opiate of universalism https://t.co/BWHKP5mka8

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In 1906, Paula Modersohn-Becker painted a series of nude self-portraits; it was 'a near-revolutionary act in the history of modernism'. Overlooked for many years, she is now recognised as an important figure in early modernist art. https://t.co/oUA6nsyFuE

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Modernist vampire star charts:

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Born Jean Bellette Australian Frequently painted scenes influenced by Greek tragedies of Sophocles & Euripides & Homer’s epics Only woman to have won 2x Sulman Prize For Whom the Bell Tolls (1942) & Iphigenia in Tauris (1944)

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Prudence Heward died on this day in 1947. Coming soon: "Prudence Heward: Canadian Modernist Painter.” More: https://t.co/tohBn3f7rG

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🇧🇷 Tarsila do Amaral (Capivati , 1886-São Paulo, 1973) is considered one of the leading Latin American modernist artists, and is regarded as the painter who best achieved Brazilian aspirations for nationalistic expression in a modern style. 🏛 Self-Portrait 1923

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