I see lots of Drew's dad fan heheheh calling him DILF XD he is though *drool* up on ^^

1 66

Ash's backstory is pretty religious if you look at the titles XD backstory up on

2 32

Who else is in love with Angel? ME! And Drew ofc hahaha XD up on

0 58

Oops I did it again XD up on ^^

0 41

Ash's story is your typical gay teenage story >.< backstory up on

3 55

Hehhe this month we have two canon smut cause the smut is long ahahah XD canon smut is up on ^^

0 54

When you look at the title for this canon smut XD canon smut up on ^^

1 81

Still in their Xmas sweaters XD up on

1 69

Happy little family <3 up on ^^

1 70

Still with the Xmas sweater XD up on

0 57

Ashie!!! >.< things doesn't look good on Ash's side of the story >.< backstory up on

1 64

Drew's chastity is in danger XD up on

0 44

Happy Lunar Year of the Ox! ^^ Punk and Nerd doing couple things <3 illustration up on

3 68

Hanky panky during the holidays XD ep up on ^^

2 59

What do we have here? XD up on

0 53

*kissy kissy time* backstory up on

1 84

Guess who made their appearances? XD up on

1 77

Why do I still feel so much in the holiday season while drawing this when it's almost mid Jan? XD up on

2 49

Guess which timeline is having Christmas now? My Weird Boyfriend! XD up on ^^

0 51

When Drew tries to sext XD sexy illustration up on

1 41