a couple of heavy QM infantry soldiers. they are rescued or escaped ALA experiments. What makes the rescued abomination soldiers more dangerous aside from their super human speed and strength, but their desire for retribution against the ala.

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ALRIGHTY that was a bit of a downer post, some good news is that i fixed wraith's hand!

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And one last Wily face for the road.

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Mitsuki Saiga nos trends e eu só me lembro deles.

O que foi que ela fez hoje para ela se destacar no Twitter?

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Been thinking about building a series concepts about monster girl in Great War.

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finalized golem's design. changed him from a blonde to a browner hair color, made him more rugged, giving him a working class feeling

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heres a sneak peek of vol 1, laleh's struggle with self hatred and her self esteem being picked at. A big part of her character is about how larger people are devalued and if not objects of mockery, are presented as objects of disgust.

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local goblin bored (also i need to give her fingers

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I miss the first day of no I didn’t. 😋

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▼アメリカ海兵隊F-35Bがイギリスに展開 空母クイーン・エリザベスで運用予定
<Image:Crown Copyright/USAF/USMC>

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