agano (kancolle) naganami (kancolle) shimakaze (kancolle) by imu sanjo

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Looks like Naganami could not hold it anymore~ poor baby girl, hopefully she will do it in time next time~


72 404 naganami (kancolle) by maki (maki pei)

0 2 naganami (kancolle) by kashiwamochi (kashiwakashiwa)

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Naganami!! She's well known for having a surprisingly huge rack. The inner side of her hair being dyed pink is extra cute💕

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her night battle phrase is one of my favorites
"Even if you rip up my clothes, I'll still break your bones!" highly suiting for a game with damaged CG

0 0 naganami (kancolle) takanami (kancolle) by mocchi (mocchichani)

0 0 naganami (kancolle) by eiji (monochromexd)

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Might be one of the biggest and the longest project I've made so far. Commissioned art featuring OC Commander, Suruga, Naganami, and Prince of Wales.
Thank you so much for the commission!

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❀Long-Awaited Warmth❀

IJN Naganami is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander.

309 3305 naganami (kancolle) by tonari (ichinichime azuma)

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