thanks for the opportunity! this is my character, Nova. I'd have to say my fave race is either genasi or tiefling

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Pra recompensar vcs mais um pouco, trouxe pra vcs os designs de personagens de Espada de Miguel, com personagens já conhecidos do quadrinho online e uma galera nova.

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Hai!! My name is Ayako or Aya for short!!! I'm a Demon nine tailed kitsune. I love to draw and hang with my sister Nova. She is my precious bean💜 plus I now have a awesome scythe😁

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Alguns dos animes que vou ver está temporada.

Tô atrasado ainda em alguns da temporada passada, mas vou deixar tudo em dia antes do dia 09, que será minhas férias. Pois nas escolhi alguns animes pra ver e pra focar na temporada nova.

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just want draw for Day1 "Nun" + Moona Hoshinova.

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Did @/nova.w0va's (INSTA) DTIYS!!
its been a while since ive finished a drawing! and hopefully i can get back at the grind.

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Hey everyone. You can call me Nova.
I'm a novice digital artist, focused mainly into Sonic and Anthro characters. My favorite topic would be character designs and colorful pieces.

Thanks for the opportunity!

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Wigglet is confused, Alolan Diglett is surprised, and Kantonian Diglett has stopped caring since Unova. Gonna focus these next few weeks on projects outside of my own by getting involved with others.

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"Supernova" is a 1/1 for 0.03 $ETH on !

I think that we are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open and think we are dying; we're actually turning into a supernova...

9 17

A partir disso, eu parto para usar o melhor que cada uma das imagems gerou pra criar uma arte totalmente nova. Esse processo é bem relaxante, é como montar um quebra cabeças onde eu posso gerar peças novas se as que eu tenho não são suficientes! Esse é um vídeo do processo:

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Staurikosaurus de roupa nova. ;)

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old nova. [cape and hairstyle]

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One day on a whim drew a character fusion between Sam and Nova. Then I believe somewhen last week or so he did it again.

I felt I had to give it a go at least once.

Nam is that once.
This also started my experimentation with hard-light layers and watercolor brushes.

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Mi mujer Nova.
Ajá, una oc EHEH.

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Not quite "elegant" but he is big (7'11 in height) and is a very loyal boyfriend to Nova. Commission Art of Nova & Tetrax is by :)

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I know Im a tad late, but happy partner anniversary, . Hoping for many more years with the comfy catto.

Here's her with her rigging~sensei and friend, Nova.

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