Stream results, courtesy of Azleth, Saevia, and Syryse. I had so much fun today; I hope you all did as well! On a related note, I started up the affiliate application :)

2 13

“For an instant, silence, noisier than a waterfall.” -Syryse Frostcatcher, on Vyleria Frostwarden (original quote Salman Rushdie)

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“Winter invites white; white invites silence; silence invites peace." -Vyleria Frostwarden (original quote Mehmet Murat ildan)

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Stream results, courtesy of Glaena, Kyrvoi, and Azleth! Thanks to everyone who came to watch; I had a lot of fun and I hope you did as well :)

4 18

"I lost my sight as a cub to some disease I've forgotten the name of. The Flame will tell you I traded them for power in some necromantic ritual or need to hide them because they bleed fire. I do admire their creativity." -Azleth Frostblight

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“As a cub I wondered why birds stayed put when they could fly anywhere in Tyria."

"Did you find an answer?" Azleth asked, a smile on her face.

Vyleria gave a little grin, "No, I just asked myself the same question. (paraphrase Harun Yahya)

3 17

"I am often asked how I surround myself with fire and lightning and not get burned. As any elementalist would tell you, I don't." -Saevia Frostfang

1 17

"My master chose well with this one. It seems she is not satisfied being touched by Anguish; she wills to become it." -Airelyv Frostvoid, on Vyleria Frostwarden

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“We all have our demons, and every once in a while, we have to dance with them, embrace them.” -Vyleria Frostwarden (original quote Autumn Grey)

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“Honor is honesty to what is, not blind duty to what you wish to be.” -Kyrvoi Frostbreak (original quote Terry Goodkind)

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"I just like to carry a bit of home with me wherever I go. Is that so wrong?" -Airelyv Frostvoid

3 20

“Not just beautiful, though--the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they're watching me.” -Syryse Frostcatcher (original quote Haruki Murakami)

2 13

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd say its been fun but I'd be lying to you. Next time, lock the door, put your valuables in a safe, hire a guard...something to make it more interesting." -Qarsym Frostscythe

1 14

“He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.” -Syryse Frostcatcher, on Kyrvoi Frostbreak (original quote Madeline Miller)

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“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.” -Saevia Frostfang (original quote Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

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"The Flame Legion know her calling card well, a small flower carved into the chests of her victims. Certainly an interesting way of growing a garden." -Saevia Frostfang, on Qarsym Frostscythe

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"He and Vyleria have already had the meeting, the courtship, the separation, and the reunion. Now, they arrive at the sweetest part of the tale: the part they write themselves." Azleth Frostblight, on Moharis Frostreign

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I have been spending a lot of time taking screens of Vyleria and I don't regret any of it.

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"They say he abandoned the High Legions to find her, but was he ever really an officer? The Citadel doesn't raise poets; it raises soldiers." Kyrvoi Frostbreak, on Moharis Frostreign

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