Hey everyone! I’m Jorenge, and I do my best to be chill. I draw whatever flies through my head, and I’d love to make games one day!

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Thanks for the art share! Im Jorenge and I draw whatever pops into my head. I wanna make video games at some point so there’s that lol

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Hey howdy, I’m Jorenge and I draw anything that zips through my head. I try to be chill and draw what I like. I also have no idea what im doing at all, so if you wanna see me stumble along go for it lmao 🍊👍. These peeps are awesome❤️

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Hey howdy my names Jorenge and I draw whatever and anything that flies through my sour mind, but I love creepy and cute stuff. I wanna make games one day, so follow along and watch me stumble my way there your like!

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Hey and howdy I’m Jorenge, and I draw whatever and anything that flies through my head. I’m here to make some cool buds and ripen my self into a cool artist!

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Hey I’m Jorenge! 🔫🍊 and I don’t know wtf I’m doing.
🦵🏻🦵🏻I draw whatever flys through my head. I also like to draw a bunch of different stuff so you’ll see all kinds of things on my page.

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After flu-enforced radio silence from me I’m easing myself into 2020 by sharing this little painting of the Skirrid painted from the Blorenge last month.
8”x6” oil on board

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What’s up? I’m Jorenge and I like to draw whatever pops in my head, usually creepy or cuteish lmao

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Great style on this shaman by pixiv user orenge oldman https://t.co/vIUwtB0kTm

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Govilon and The Blorenge from Sugarloaf
Painted from another favourite spot I always like the the way the farmed green fields hang in the side of the mountains before giving way to the bracken, gorse and heather on the top.

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There's no day 31, so it looks like that's it.
Thank you for your dumb list, and thanks everyone for putting up with my little doodles, I'll get back to the big stuff now.

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