画質 高画質

【CeVIO】The vocal synth of the hour is Shirosaki Yuudai.
Released as a part of the Color Voice Series, Yuudai is a complementary voicebank to Midorisaki Kasumi. He is a 20 year old man with a tender personality and love for reading.

6 35

shihosaki and i go to sleep (it is currently 9:39 am)

41 116

A Ichigo Kurosaki appreciation post is long overdue so here we go!🍓🔥

11 34

A thread on why ichigo kurosaki from bleach got the best drip in all of anime

696 5592

//Yume — [🐯🐰 ; TetoSaki]

Ciee yg udah jd murid kelas 3

Pov : kalian ga sengaja papasan sama Tetora sama Saki di jalan

53 75

Ichigo first losing control to Zangetsu will forever live in my head

84 244

ichigo “i’m in love with you so that’s your problem!” kurosaki

46 199


I am gonna use this as a commission example.
What you all think?

11 39

弘前市と函館市において、 初音ミク派生キャラクターの「桜ミク」と連携した春の観光キャンペーンを展開します🌸 メインビジュアルは桜の名所、弘前公園と五稜郭公園🥰

22 70

Maybe this will get more attention here? Anyways respectfully they’re girlfriends your honor

1 1

かわいいものは好きですか? vol.11
🕒 4/30(日) 14時~
🏢 月あかり夢てらす


みんなでかわいいを共有したい🫶🏻 今回も信頼のゲストさん呼びました✌️

🎀 ゲストの皆様🎀


20 15

イニシアチブ大崎さん( @ initiativeosaki ) ♪

4 23