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9/23 23:59〆

10 13

I don't like when I dream of alarm clocks going off ⏰😂

11 28

“Come!” he called up to his stoic champion. He slipped the long, beaked mask back over his face. “There is someone we must find. Someone who must pay for what they have done to me.” on

6 32

This glorious NFT card back design will be implemented into the marketplace soon, exclusively for Immortal holders !

Capsule minting will be available on the Marketplace soon, so keep your eyes peeled for the announcement.

26 101

The Carnage Titan only watched him as he approached. The eyes of a devil burning brightly as its gauntlets flexed and claws snickered. The doctor placed a hand on the golem’s plate cuisse.. on

5 33

Shy, timid & quiet most of the time - why not use Lily emojis to express yourself

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64 83


WL ✖️10名様🎁



❸Tag 3 & Solアドレスをリプ

⏰ ゲリラ

45 56

“But I didn’t do this.” He looked away from the bodies and saw the Carnage Titan standing nearby looking out across the swampland. He pointed at the great metal golem. “It was him, not me.” on

5 31

The screams split the fetid air of the Dark Swamp deep within the Central Fire of Praetoria. They were a ghostly echo that haunted him, a punishment for the lives he had just taken. on

4 30

We mark the beginning of the 5th edition of the “Magic Lamp Games”

It’s time to play and compete.

Win bags full of 😎

To join, grab a lamp on

Good luck 🍀

3 10

The desert dragon collided with the gold dragon. Claws tore through scales and ripped for its throat. The gold dragon fought back but the desert dragon’s size was nearly twice its own. on

3 38

Kelya turned the corner and tossed her hand to her side. A splash of water cascaded down her forearm to her open palm. The hilt of a sword made of pure crystallized water appeared. on

3 20

Get to know: Lily☀️

Shy and timid Princess Lily made a brave move & chose to join the Heroes to defend the planet from the evil bots.

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53 68

Get to know: Hale 🌊

Hale is a mysterious woman but very well-known for her marksmanship. Join her as she discovers and uncovers the truth behind her identity.

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51 68

Hmm, probably a boss map... I wonder if it will be hard to defeat him?

4 13