Super duper old art

Nirn Plagueshadow

Nelf unholy dk who is chaotic evil and literally the biggest edgelord and asshole there is. Weird black goopy mummy hands and feet. Don't let him breathe on you or touch you. He's like a walking toilet seat covered in the worst pathogens.

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OUT NOW, REVIEW "Viral Hypothesis in Novel Insights & Pathogen-Based Biomarkers" While underlying mechanisms linking specific infections & not explicitly known, consistent assoc of various in AD cannot be ignored 👉

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[ 𝟒 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 until RailgunT. Comeback ]


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😬An asymptomatic carrier is a person that is infected with a pathogen but displays no signs or symptoms

😬Although unaffected by the pathogen, carriers can transmit pathogen to others

😬Bob’s a carrier of intelligence, but he’s asymtomatic

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Quick caricature of my main man Professor Chris Whitty . Tirelessly working hard to save the country in face of an ever expanding catastrophic pathogen. But enough about Boris Johnson, he's also having to deal with covid-19.

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Can we please stop talking about the second wave of Covid-19? This idea fails to take into account the importance of ongoing preventative actions and portrays us as helpless and at the whim of this pathogen.

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Red blood cell from cells at work. A lot of people could say that she's useless because she can't defend herself, but I'm just going to say that red blood cells in real life do not kill pathogens even when they are being attacked by them.

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BIOWYSE has a machine that can analyze water for pathogens and then disinfect it with UV lamps. It is meant for preparing water derived from extraterrestrial sources, or preventing bacteria from growing in a space habitat.
EU funded research:

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Review in !

Investigators from critically review the evidence on the pathogenicity of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies.

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You always wanted to know more about
Have a read through What bacteria do to our teeth to learn more!

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🔹Serratia marcescens se relaciona con infecciones intrahospitalarias. Forman biopelículas y por su pigmento prodigiosina, tienen una coloración rojiza.
🔹S. marcescens is a pathogen involved in hospital-acquired infections. They form biofilms, connecting all together.

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Bleeding Spawn - Pathogenic Mechanized Abomination (2016)

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Issue 8 features Golgi donations, transmission of pathogenic in ALS/FTD, light-responsive clearing retinal cells, and rewiring host cell metabolism. cover for Pei, Zheng and coworkers

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