Had my second dose of the pfizer vaccine today!

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It's super important we all do our part! I got the Pfizer, both doses.

By the way, if you've been vaccinated I'd like to say thank you in my own small way: https://t.co/q4GtC0LGOA

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mRNA tech is awesome, it has the potential to completely change healthcare.

I'm sorry if you have trouble trusting facts, I can't really help you with that. The Pfizer vaccine has saved so many lives. An order of magnitude more than those few, rare cases of harm.

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Oh, for the love of...

has announced that they are going to do a full review of the FDA's approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine before they mandate it for the campus.

Questioning the validity of FDA scientists' Pfizer review is sending the wrong message.

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"Damn can you believe this?! Pfizer is doing 3rd shots already. Are you getting that crap?!"

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It's been 10 hours since I had my first Pfizer vaccine shot!

And during that time, I drew Emiru being a responsible adult! 😆

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Pfizer vs. Moderna 😳😳😳

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animei uma foto minha depois da pfizer pessoal

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esse negocio de pfizer fazer crescer peito ta me apavorando tanto, se eu tomar e meu peito crescer MAIS eu processo o governo kkkkk

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I haven't gotten vaccinated not because I don't want to, just never really had to(plus I watch my niece so I don't want to risk that + strong immune sys), but NYC is starting to require you have a vaccine card to do most things so now I'm stuck between getting Pfizer or Moderna.

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💉Got my first Covid Shot yesterday. It isn't as bad as many make it out to be. Please stay safe out there and remember to mask up and wash those beans. 🐾
Love you all 💙

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Oh scheiße. I got Pfizer, so no demons for me.

With my first shot I turned into a Pokémon for 12 hours; my second shot... nothing.

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My mom and I got vaccinated at the same time, Pfizer! Mom and I didn’t really get sick or anything. Our arms were sore but that was about it. Maybe a little fatigued. Otherwise we were perfectly fine! It didn’t even bug me during my finals. (I did pretty good on them too!) https://t.co/YmEcDjes1U

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Second shank got.
Let's see how much Papa Pfizer's beating me up tonight.

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Got the 5G free WIFI vaccine YAY

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I'm hearing of vaccine "waivers" bc of allergies for some places, including universities.

I'd be the last to scoff at this, since I'm allergic to most of the Scratch Test + I have sensitivity to perfumes & chemicals. My mother & aunt are too, but we all got the Pfizer vaccine. 1

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Lets see how the vaccination with Biontech/Pfizer/Comirnaty goes…

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