[RTs would be very appreciated, thank you 💕]
✨Hello! open for Commissions CHIBI for International and INA order! Here are some of my samples and pricelist (cont)-

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[RT and shares are appreciated]

Halo semuaa👋👋aku buka commission nih. Dibawah ini pricelist dan sample ya.
Untuk info lebih lanjut dan request commission bisa buka https://t.co/kxXE7F8ZJP


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prices starting at : 65php/2usd ~ 190php/22usd
to order, DM:
twitter: Aceisback3
Discord: Acewq#6105

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My commission are open For February 🌸 (3 slots)
Mini pricelist :
Headshot : $25
Halfbody : $45
Fullbody : $60
+ bg $10

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Hello! You can check out my carrd, you can view my pricelist and portfolio there ^^ https://t.co/el5FibrCu4

Here's some of my samples!

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Halo nder aku bisa
Siapa tau tertarik.
Ini sample sama pricelistnya ya

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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PRICELIST updated!
I struggled so much with this, and I want to thank anyone who helped me create it. Without your support, I couldn't be as sure and comfortable as I am now. 🥹

That said, my queue is already pretty filled, but if you don't mind waiting feel free to contact me!

10 25

Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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Hi! i'm open for commisions (LIMITED DISCOUNTED PRICE) [not a bot]

the pricelists are $20 headshot, $25 bust up, $35 halfbody, $50+ for fullbody!(for chibi its $10 portrait and $15 halfbody)
more info on carrd down below^^ hit my DM if ur interested~

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