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[新作]が@royalsociety Proceedings B誌で発表!熱水巻貝ギガントペルタが全く新しい変態「隠れ変態」を行うことをシンクロトロンCTと3D再構築で突きとめた。人間に例えると、高校生まで普通に食事をして、それ以降急に光のエネルギーでウルトラマンに成長するようなもの。
[New Paper] in Proceedings B @royalsociety reveals a new metamorphosis, "cryptometamorphosis", in #deepsea vent snail Gigantopelta w/ synchrotron CT and 3D anatomy! Young adults transform their anatomy to switch from grazing to relying on endosymbionts.
I am so proud that @PlayOverwatch has created the Pink Mercy skin. This month, 25% of the proceedings - meaning all the earnings Pink Mercy makes, will go to the BCRF. <3
Apparently May is something to do with mermaids and I am here to rectify the scandalous lack of Meroune in these proceedings. #mermay
#DYK it's not too late to get involved in @zsllondonzoo's project to transform the iconic Snowdon Aviary into the perfect new home for our colobus monkeys? https://t.co/E5OPgyjEUw This incredible image is from ZSL's 1885 Proceedings, and is by J. Smit.
To celebrate the birth of @zsllondonzoo's two-toed sloth we wanted to share this beautiful original water colour by Keulemans with you. It went on to be published in the 1872 'Proceedings' of ZSL with the caption "1 Cholopus Hoffmanni 2 C. Didactylus"
'Once again, Wide Eyed have absolutely nailed all the elements that go into a perfect non-fic title, injecting tons of fun into the proceedings and ensuring that this book will have your #littleones engrossed for hour after hour.'
Thank-you @Readitdaddy for another great #review
Today's #explorearchives theme is #hairyarchives
This Black and White Colobus monkey has some amazing hair!
(From a plate in our 'Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London' by Joseph Smit)
Now #IEBC warns aspirants facing #integrity proceedings... @KTNKenya @StandardKenya @SDEKenya #ElectionsKE