3. "Türchen"
Nähere Infos zum Adventskalender siehe Türchen 1!
Als zweites mein OC Tailin, das chinesische Tierkreiszeichen Ratte.
ich wollte sie etwas weniger aufreizend gestalten (im Vergleich zu Schaf und Tiger).
Sale Alert 🔥 #6424 • Ethan B. Cook bought for 0.01 ETH by 0x3407d0 from stratte @badbearsmsk #beefrens #NFT https://t.co/B2Oco76qZm
Sale Alert 🔥 #6423 • Christian B. Thompson bought for 0.01 ETH by 0x3407d0 from stratte @badbearsmsk #beefrens #NFT https://t.co/BXKDHwaIux
Ratten Reich is a grim and unforgiving world where war has continued for many years. The battle is fought between rats, mice, roaches, and lizards alike.
#gamedevelopment #strategygame #war #RATS
#グラッテ #AIVOICE #アイボス #青山龍星 https://t.co/009NOhh3Y2
runway de waratte - ColorArt
#manga #mangacoloring #ColorArt #MyColoring #ilustration #MangaArt #FanArt #MangaTw #runwaydewaratte #ランウェイで笑って #IkutoTsumura #都村育人
@pplsascension Tayla would spend "all the gold" on opening up coffee shop and settle down for a couple years. She would be able to spend more time with her daughter, teaching her the art of witchcraft & finally get a chance to start up a rattery. She would eventually go back to adventuring.#dnd
#ricordiamodomani #11novembre Festa di San Martino, ricorrenza caratterizzata da diverse usanze regionali. La tradizione racconta di come Martino, soldato dell'impero romano, durante una ronda notturna divise il suo mantello con un mercante seminudo.#sanmartino
DEATH BATTLE! Mr. Dinkles & Clown Man with a Steel Chair vs P-1000 Ratte Tank
@DavLucia Spero di fare ancora in tempo per augurarti
una serena e dolcissima serata cara Lucia…
ringraziandoti per la squisita gentilezza
che caratterizza da sempre la tua preziosa persona,🙏🥀🤗💫💫
preziosa come una rara perla di mare….🤍💙🥀
Well I just Ratted In and got this Glowing Rat . Thanks to @riveroctopus1 for incepting this Project to me @LeoVibes420
Does FatRat follows FatRats or is just a Subways Urban Legend ? #FatRatMafia#NFTRats #LFG #NFTCollector #NewNFTProfilePic @fatratmafia
Dernier point important !
Je vais profiter de ces Streams pour lancer (ENFIN) un petit projet qui me tenait à cœur pour les Lives, alors restez bien dans le coin !
Pour ceux qui souhaiterait s'améliorer ou se lancer dans le dessin, ce sera l'occasion de venir gratter avec moi !
Vielen Dank @eistuete_twitch dass ich beim ersten Gelartio Event mitmachen durfte! >w<
zu sehen:
@maudado + Kürbis + Motte
@eistuete_twitch als Rattenfänger von hameln + Halloween
Und auch vielen Dank an @Ywuchii und @lifoxcious das wir zusammen gestreamt haben! <3