Forget Secret Invasion
Gimme Tigra Invasion

Which is basically just Tigra bursting in on people high on catnip, horny on main, wanting to party

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. Happy eve, everypony! Hey, remember when Nintendo teamed up with the Ambassadors of Funk to release this Super Mario themed Hip Hop album back in 1993? The songs on that CD are pretty dope, despite the ultra cheesy lyrics.

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🎶William's mom has got it goin on!
William's mom has got it goin on!
I'm in love with William's mom!🎶

You guys know the tune

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. Happy early eve, everypony! On a totally unrelated subject, anypony remember Hey Arnold? Oh my god, that was such a good show! Easily one of Nickelodeon’s very best shows that they have ever aired!

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. Happy eve! Also let me say this: This horrible disgusting cycle of hatred, police brutality, racism and violence must stop. I mean for God’s sake, it’s 2020. I can’t understand why we’re still dealing with this crap. It must all end now!

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. Happy eve! You know I would love to own one of them original 1984 128K Apple Macintosh computers, purely for novelty’s sake. Owning a Mac would be sick! (I’m actually a fan of retro computers. I’m a fan of Apple as well.)

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. Happy Now then, can somepony please tell me why iCarly isn’t on Netflix yet? They really need to fix that ASAP! Sorry, but I was really into that show back in 2009-2011.

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Happy !

Nobody looked like that in Peoria in a thousand years!

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. Happy Chantal and Shannon! ❤️❤️❤️ You know, you ladies should really get Cameo accounts! There’s no telling how many people would pay to hear you give personalized video shoutouts as your characters! 😉

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For the second part of this week’s I thought I would share with you guys this pic I dug up while moving of me and my cousin Heather. I think this was during my 6th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese’s. (This is from 1999? Damn.)

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. Oh man, her deep sexy Spoiled Rich/Milk voice...😍🔥err, I mean, happy early eve, everypony! (I decided to redo this tweet because the previous version wasn’t that good. It was incomplete)

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Happy everypony! On a totally unrelated note, anypony remember Supermarket Sweep? That was like, one of the greatest tv gameshows ever created! I loved that show!

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. Happy eve! “🎶She’s so hiiiiigh, high above me!
She’s so lovely!
She’s so hiiiiigh! Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite!🎶” Yep, I’m trying to woo Chantal again. Is it working?

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. Happy On a totally unrelated note, I really like Marvel’s Spider-Man on the PS4. That’s a very cool superhero game. Swinging around this huge map, ultra satisfying combat, an engaging story, this game also looks damn good.

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Here's Tigra for your timelines on

By Mike McKone

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A beautiful work by Ed Benes. Wonder Woman.

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