Guess I have a lot of nothing to say about Republicans.

1 3

Cartoon picture of an old man on a tractor with a republican hat in a vineyard

Generated at with

0 1

Cartoon picture of an old man on a tractor with a republican hat in a vineyard

Generated at with

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Unfortunately, Senator, that does seem to be the Republican Party.

0 3

Art School Orgy by Stuart Hime is the sickest book ever written! Get it at Prepublication price now! :

0 2

Republicans are “triggered”by the weirdest things but mention GUN CONTROL and they go crazy!

Oh, that’s right, they don’t want to offend the gun lobby, particularly their NRA donors!

Seriously, how many MORE have to die?

45 109

Silver translator: I can't decide whether to back the GOP, which has openly demonstrated its fascist theocratic goals; to be neutral and provide cover for Republican oppressors; or to back Democrats who are actively working to make people's lives better. SUCH a conundrum.

59 1000

This year there have already been more than 600 mass shootings in the USA...
Now a in a in

It will never stop as long as the and the protect the guns more than the people.

Fack the so-called "Pro-Life" !

Chesapeake 😔

474 1265

R.J. Matson
Internationally syndicated cartoonist.
Cagle Cartoons:

🔸 'Republican Party Worries Trump Base Is Shrinking,' 14 Nov 2022. R.J. Matson, CQ Roll Call.

0 2

what lies beyond the republican mouth service

63 281

Quick Question:

How much longer are we supposed to be okay with MAGA Republicans grooming our children to take up weapons against LGBT people?

85 171

Three Things That
Republican Families
Do Not Have To Worry
About Anymore:
1. Grocery prices.
2. Inflation.
3. The border.
It will all suddenly come to
a complete stop-
When the Republicans take
over the House and focus only
on aka Hunter's laptop.

4 3

'Law and Order' is Republican code for 'oppress minorities'. They refuse to accept responsibility for their corrupt actions. White privilege.

5 31

The Republican Party is not a governing party. They’re an opposition party with no interest in governing.

21 44

Even after republicans had control of the house, they must certainly understand that abortion was just ruled beyond the reach of the federal government, even if the people do not.

1 1

Republicans running in the midterms:


[Take control of the House]

‘Our top priority is… Hunter Biden!’

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It would seem hasn’t quite finished. His toilet training has proved a ongoing challenge for the party…

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