Did a whole body chibi of zagreus! I haven’t done one in a hot minute so I thought it would be nice to do try it again ^7^ !
( zagreus is hard to draw 😅)

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A series of drawing based off the Treaties on Rights by Imam Sajjad (a.s)! This one is about the Right of the Father, featuring my ocs, Elektra and her father, Nereus!

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Fanart of 's Alatreus! His outfit is really really cool! Really cool character I'd love to play DnD with

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another round of art for my campaign nereus! these were actually done a month+ ago but i had to split the session in half for time so i can only now post everything LOL

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art for tonight's session of my campaign, nereus! less drawings this time but the important thing is fictional character hot

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Figured out what project I'm picking up next! Going back to this guy! Gonna rework a few things then get back to Atreus!

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Finally wrapped up a reimagined cover for 's Zagreus! Enjoy! :D

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Nobody escapes Babi's balloon virus. Not even Atreus!!!!!!111!one

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I edited some minor mistakes here :) Here's Ha Eun from The art style is cute too!

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"I am ZAGREUS!" I'm only 30 minutes into Zagreus and I'm terrified I love it

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Reserva't a l'agenda aquest divendres 17 i dissabte 18 perquè arriba la FIRA DE L'OLI NOU de

Hem preparat de tot i més perquè tothom pugui gaudir de l'#oliSiurana.

T'ho perdràs?

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FIRA OLI NOU REUS | Per fiiii!! Comença el compte enrere! Us esperem a la 21a Fira de l'oli nou de

📍 Plaça Llibertat de Reus
📆 17 i 18 de novembre

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Perdoneu! ahir no es va pujar l'imatge del cartell de les XX jornades de rol a Reus! aquí el teniu! fet per

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