I just wanna go back and re-read the Meridell plots, but flash murdered my childhood.

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Alla fine scoprirai che le cose più leggere son le uniche
che il vento non è riuscito a portar via
..una carezza..lo sfogliare un libro di poesie l’odore stesso che aveva un giorno il vento.MQuintana📷gori

5 10


15th Anniversary
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn !
Elincia Ridell Crimea / The Queen of Crimea

8 34

also LOOK at this ridell that i commed from @/zenohikas !!!!!!

i love this pretty rabbit so much his ears are so perfect

12 59

My gemini is one of Saga's illegitimate daughter and her backstory is soooo similar to Kanon's that i started to like to draw them together. Tell me if u want more

7 39

— two sides of the same gothic coin 🦇

22 79