2 days left to Mirishita’s 5th anniversary!
Here is countdown artwork of Ritsuko, Mizuki, Roco, Tamaki and Elena, members of the CLEVER CLOVER season!

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Roco Asada 🌠1


18.2× 25.7cm

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Another big bui, and its Roco-

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Character:Bibi (Tokoyami Towa), Tokoyami Towa

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Me voy a quedar sin hastags para la siguiente.
Esta portada no es un Roco enfadado, es un Zap, que no está enfadado, porque es feliz como una perdiz obesa de rayo.

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It was quiet around "Roco's Mighty Quest for Milf Milk". Too quiet. Why? Because I was looking for an artist!

I want to welcome to Orctastic Games, who is now our lead artist on the game! Thank you for joining! Here is the art for Roco!

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Happy B-Day to Tom Fahn the voice of Agumon, Roco, Sato & Eugene!

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so far I have seen Roco survive the fall of the tower of babel, the flood, the destruction of sodom and gomorrah, the ten plagues and the exodus from egypt. god cannot kill this fox.

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how does Roco fit into God's plan?

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