colored that rodi from before~

22 54

Rodi "DRIFT, I wrote the new speech for the next ceremony!
It begins this,' TIL ALL ARE ONE!...' "
Dori "(....... 0 second......)

16 52

should be posting this? (you know i just know new tumblr blog cannot let posts appear in the tags) old megs came back to cybertron only found out he has to face both his ex second in command and his current co captain
(star and rodi are rebels)

2 5

Rudi el mago y Rodi la gallina ✨
RT apreciado😬
Hecho en Procreate🖖🏻

10 38

Spinner Rodi feels like one of those hapless Japanese footsoldiers who have a breastplate but no pants

4 8

See sexy men drawn by & written by Robert Rodi & published by

2 14

More Plastic Model Kit from Latest TVAnime ! Amida's Custom and Man Rodi !

0 0

医療占星術では血液は人体の海だ!との考えで、月が黄道十二宮のどこにあるかで人体の満潮をはかって瀉血したらしいね。((( ;゚Д゚))) 1434年Libro di Michele da Rodi P.103b

34 50

Ciao, Pippo! Così... A Rodi. Rientro stasera. Lunedì parto per Amsterdam. Un abbraccio❤️

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