Japan Red Cross Keeps With Busty Uzaki-Chan For Blood Drive Following Massive Outcry From Rabid SJWs | https://t.co/sfY0jX5N0C

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Just came back from the !
And I loved it! Definite 9/10 movie for me! It doesn't hold back from being adult, it feels less like a comic book movie and more about a guy's life crumbling down into the criminal we know and love. It's intense, and fuck the SJWs!

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Not every character has to be made for horny people, but also not every character that doesn't do that is made by the supposed SJWs.
Even with my personal standards and takes, let people design the way they want and don't be pissy at the same time because they aren't to yours

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A little message to the anti SJWs. Cherry Hunter is NOT catering to the woke crowd. Streets of Rage themes were based around the early 90s. At this time lots of rockers had multi colored hair, mohawks, and torn clothes. Also Lizardcube gave us the sexiest version of Blaze. 🧐

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If you ever thought SJWs were about changing things out of inclusion and kindness, watch what happens when a young fan artist changes She-Ra chars to be more in line with their original designs.

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The amount of idiots that go around saying things like "#GamerGate was a hate movement that evolved into the alt-right" is insane. It's a lie that doesn't even come close to reality but this misinformation is just constantly spread by dishonest SJWs.

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The debate over Tifa’s bust size in the remake is completely out of control. All the arguments over political correctness and blaming SJWs, it actually boils down to something every simple: the character designer wanted to make her this way. It’s their freaking call to make.

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I hate where my world has gone since 2014. I really only wanted to play video games and read comics.

SJWs made everything political, and so now I follow anti-SJWs... I just want to go back to a world where these people weren't deliberately using my hobbies for propaganda.

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I'm not gonna lie, SUPER annoyed that these sexist, racist assholes who spend hours ranting about SJWs and Brie Larson on Youtube are giving Video Essays a bad rep. Some of us work our ass off to create ones with actual substance and a point, but are drowned out by these idiots

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"God, when did White Wolf become such a bunch of SJWs?"


Bigot gamers can go fuck off and play FATAL. Or MYFAROG. Or literally anything else.

We never wanted fascist fans, and never will.

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Hey guys I'm still hard at work with the comic, but I hope you guys enjoy the series so far. And plz help me keep the SJWS away from this.

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Ah yes, comics before SJWs ruined them. Where a guy who killed Nazis could be free to write anti-street harassment scenes and make fun of incels

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Wait a second, this hashtag is for real??? 😂😂😂

Oh my lord... okay... here are some fucking amazing and strong women from Dragon Ball, enjoy u fucking stupid SJWs and shut the fuck up!

Btw: Pan is my favorite ♥️

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to celebrate my wrist being back in commission, i drew some of my favorite sjws

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For your regular reminder of why some tabletop grognards are literally the bottom of the barrel of the nerd hierarchy, here's a bunch of them complaining about the boobs on their 1-inch tall figurine not being big enough (because of the SJWs).

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League Of Legends SJWs Complain That Kai'Sa's Neckline Is Too Sexualized | https://t.co/bld8rjkGTP

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>Disney Lucasfilm hires the Titties n' Dragons team to make a new Star Wars trilogy because they have no idea how to shepherd a space opera.

>Kathleen Kennedy is trending because SJWs are pissed that she didn't hire a woman.

>The very people that she pandered to for 4 years.

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