Since shitlord is going out of his way to make the platform itself hostile (on top of enabling hostility), I’m not likely to post nearly as much here as I was.

My b/iyo has info to get to my art. For my birds, it’s Rainblossom 🧡 ne!t. You can locate me from those places.

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Nagisa-kun wa onē-kei, himitsu no koibito ressun wa midara ni amaku
Hotaru no es buena interactuando con chicos debido a su pasado. Sin embargo, un día conoce a Nagisa, un apuesto estilista, al que le gusta "lo femenino": el maquillaje, la moda...

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pra que estilingue, né?!

red e terêncio, só que humanos

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hara medio año le habia dado este dibujo a una ex pareja porke keria ver como me salia ahora. cuando le vio dijo ke deje de calcar fotos pero la realidad es ke la estilice muy mucho, pero creo ke es mejor ke piense asi

ojala tuviese mas ex novias para molestar

3 11

Holi ^_^ como ilustrador me especializo en el retrato estilizado pero tambien hago realismo

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Because many times people buy water on snap and dump the beverage for money often to use for drugs not always but it’s common . So there is that hostility in retail . Also a stereotype but it’s a cycle of anger on both ends . Portlanders can be cruel to the houseless

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There's a really specific art style that was on a lot of school supplies growing up and I for some reason developed SUCH a visceral hostility toward it

seeing this type of thing at the age of 6 filled me with an unexplainable primal hatred

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Chinchilla killed two dwarven children. Then, to get away from hostilities(?) ran straight from the top floor through the fort into the caverns.

There it proceeded to eradicate all the monsters it could find. I've walled off the cavern entrance and it's still murdering monsters.

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Ta mt lindo, nn tenho ctz mas o estilo me lembra um pouco o artstyle das concept arts da Mari Shimazaki, nos jogos principais, q acabam sendo mais realistas, o estilo se perde um pouco mas acho q agr por ter artworks 2D e um artstyle mais estilizado ficou mais aparente???

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Como experto inexperto en la materia puedo decir que depende mucho el tipo de hombre a dibujar
Es atractivo o repelente?
Es estilizado o brusco?
Masculino o afeminado?(no en un mal sentido,obvio)

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desenhei a Carlotta no mesmo estilinho que fiz a Clippa

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Detalles, el sucio del vidrio, sus ojeras, y las cartitas. Quería que la letra de Julia fuera más estilizada, pero no perfecta, y la de Conway fuera apresurada, impulsiva y consisa.

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The hostilities between Indonesia leader Bayonetta & Russia leader Butt ugly Martians could lead to the next world war

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estudo de anatomia + estilização que fiz no CURSO SECRETO de design de personagens com minha tchurminha

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Yuumei'in "Travel Scene" adlı resimlerinden birini kendi çizim stilimle çizdim
Sanatçının orijinal resmine de göz atmayı unutmayın (´ ∀ ` *)

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Não sei se o meu conta como algo estilizado mas eu uso esse que fiz OwO

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.70 ETH by Crestilias from OBI_15

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oi soñé q me dieron de regalo una caja hancha de plastilina pero no era plastilina, era como una masa q se quedaba dura con moldes de animales y yo bien feliz haciendo mi muñequito omg fue el mejor sueño, pk podría hacer decoraciones porq la masa se quedaba dura luego jjj

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