Is anyone wanna be my kawanbabu for my account? She/her, already legal age, Freminet main (soon Albedo main), pretty selective and have low energy to interact so forgive me if I'm not really active on timeline but you can always knock my dm ^^
Please rep if you're (cont..)

0 1

art! setor gambar sebelum senin bersedih ria. Ada yang mau berk☁️? kalau belum Hmu yaa!! sender selective!! (^з^)-☆

0 30

Art! Ada yang mau berk-☁️ sama sender? Akun baru menetas, and a bit selective if you dont mind! Just drop anything below! 🤍

0 27

Hey, kawanbabu. I would like to expand my friendship. For your information, I'm a Yoimiya main with a she/him designation and am 22 years old. I'm a bit selective because I'm looking for people who really want to interact and give me the same feedback. I don't accept (cont..)

0 1

Hello! I'm on a mission to collecting kawanbabu ㅡ so in dire need of lots of 'em! If you're interested in becoming my friend, please leave a trace/TMI/question/just anything, I really don't mind it! See you around, teyvatlings!

p.s. I'm kinda selective.. Thank you!

0 3

Evening travelers! I'm in search of companionship a.k.a genshinmoots that will fill my dusty timeline. I go by they/them and I use the knave as my pfp. Anyway I prefer the ones with small acc since I am selective, just reply below to befriend me! Minor & homophobic dni please.

0 1

Siang artist! Aku setor wip sekalian mencari temang baru, ayo 🐄tualan (agak selective ya)

1 26

Haloo, sender sdg mencari genshinmoots 😊
-Interest: genshin, hsr, animanga, cats
-DFI: heavy nsfw, disrespectful

Just leave a reply or carrds if u r selective and I will like it. Thank you! 😁

P.s. sender is on his mid 20s if thats matter to u

0 1

Art! Apa sih hal yang tersusah buat kalian gambar sampe kalian geram sendiri? Sekalian ada yang mau berk☁️ dengan sender gak? (kinda selective ya)

0 12

artist! part terfavorit saat kalian menggambar apa? kalo sender waktu coloring skin! ehe sekalian mau nyari muts yuk kita ber☁️ (kinda selective)

1 28

night everyone~ sender mau setor art! bday nayii sekalian ada yang mau berk☁️? hehe. my acc is mostly genshin content for now. (kinda selective following im sowwy). see you then! ✨🌷

0 75

Hi! I would like to look for some kawanbabu to mingle with! Who doesn’t mind with unlabeled acc. For your information, I’m kinda selective and prefer small acc. Homophobic dni, please. If you’re interested, kindly leave your TMI below or just "hi" for simple, and (cont..)

0 1

Share wip art! Genshin fanartist ada yg mau meowtualan? *kinda selective yhh

0 7

prsk! sender lagi nyari temen! sender suka banyak macam media, jadi campur gpp yaa? sender ena oshi! sender juga fanartist!!!
so... drop reply and ill hyu!! (sender ngak terlalu selective) (cinammoroll untuk ngadem tl)

0 7

jjkart! sender niatnya mau ngefanart di jjk lagi, apakah ada yang mau berteman? kinda selective ya

2 49

kawanbabu Warmest greeting for everyone. Here I come with friendship invitation. I go by he/him and legal age. If you don't mind I also hype JKT48. I might be selective and immediately follow you through your trace. Please do not interact if you are a minor and homophobic.

0 3

Hi! I would like to look for some kawanbabu to mingle with! Who doesn’t mind with unlabeled acc. I’m Hu Tao main, AR 59. For your information, I’m kinda selective and prefer small acc. Homophobic dni, please. If you’re interested, kindly leave your TMI below or (cont..)

0 2

Good evening, i'm looking for new kawanbabu here 👋 I go by she/her ar 55 hayi main. Kinda selective, but kindly rep with your carrd/id/rentry. Anyway, jangan lupa cek followers ya. Takutnya notifku ga masuk!!

0 4

good night, everyone. i looking for genshinmoots. i go by he/him AR 59 (legal age). basic dni, rep hmu (sender ava neuvilette). i'd like to share about genshin or personal thoughts. kinda selective

1 33

Art! Sore semuanya apa ada yg mau berkawannn??? Tidak selective samsek

1 37