Self isolation got me like... Lol. I'm going to try to stream on tomorrow, but I can't promise I'll look good 🤒🎮

14 112

Are you because of the and looking for We have loads of free comics to read. If you're 18 and up, may we recommend Menage a 3? Start here!

15 37

Currently rereading both SAGA by Bryan K Vaughan and Fiona Staples and Die by and . I can't wait until my monthly pull-list has new issues of both at the same time. Both are highly recommended. professional.

0 1

Stand by your pet! Let's lift each other by posting photos of our pets. All those who love unconditionally who will look after them regardless of this tough time!

174 1283

If you’re due to but still want to be entertained and informed about all things books, authors, writing and publishing, may I recommend the ‘We’d Like A Word’ podcast hosted by and available here:

5 6

"That's 17 bottles of Bollinger on your self isolation list Little Timmy - now head to your bedroom"

3 9