
In the words of some drunk college students "It's not peer pressure, it's just your turn."

, <3

8 44

feat. because I miss this bitch and love this picture of us!!

2 15

Why not join in on the fun! (Artwork by & myself; Suit by )

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three sonas are better than one (bunnies drawn by janegumball and ramyunrider!)

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tbh I SO rarely intentionally take any selfies as a people, but here is meee.

-- I'll also be at BLFC!! Probably with that hat, lol. Say hi! I'm there to have a good time, hang out & will be exploring Reno too (I didn't get a dealers spot this time)

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just moved so haven’t got to shower lol... but my two sonas 💕💕💕

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am i too late for this meme (second sona pic is by tamagotchi on tumblr :3)

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ok i look literally NOTHING like Pygmy but

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Gonna give this Thing a shot. Me doing what I do best...COOKING.

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I really need to do some new art of my fursona

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Apparently, I see people doing this, soooo.. I'll join in on the fun. XP

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Don't have the new suit quiiiite yet, but...I'll bite!

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Okay then, lets try it *takes a deep breath and hides*

Pictures by &

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