Part of my bestiary that i forgot to sumbit past week:
Now, there is a thing, a wyvern, the semitic god Baal, and a futurist christian soldier.


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According to this, the origins of almost all modern alphabetic scripts go back to Egyptian hieroglyphs. Surprised to see no Mesopotamian cuneiform here, they must have had some influence on Phoenician & other Semitic scripts.

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Anat, Semitic godess of war, ready to kick some asses in my final project called "GODS WHO PUNCH THEMSELVES OUT", a fighting game featuring, you guessed it, gods who punch themselves out

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This cartoon is THE BEST if your goal is to get angry and frequently antisemitic emails and comments from white people.

A thread of anti-racist cartoons!

If you like these cartoons, please retweet! Or - a $1 pledge really helps!

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In 1924, 'Synagogue'- part of the murals - was vandalised with ink. Even after its unveiling in 1919, many felt the contrast between this work and its pair 'Church' (one blind, the other triumphant) was anti-semitic, which may have contributed to its defacement. (1/2)

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A short thread of resources, particularly materials in English, to learn Akkadian, the earliest attested Semitic language known from clay tablets from ancient and

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You can pour ketchup on your shit steak tonight and eat, eat, eat. Your racist, homophobic, anti-semitic pedophile Judge Roy Moore has been rejected by the decent people of Alabama.

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Trump can pour ketchup on his shit steak tonight and eat, eat, eat. Your racist, homophobic, anti-semitic pedophile Judge Roy Moore from the 19th century has been rejected by the decent people of Alabama.

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The Tour de France was first started in 1903 as a result of anti-Semitic sentiments following the" Dreyfus Affair" political scandal

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For our American members, ASTENE member lectures on Emma B. Andrews , Nov 16th @ Harvard Semitic Museum

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You won't believe the insane, anti-Semitic message behind this anime cartoon

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Joe Biden sticks his gay-marriage loving anti-Semitic foot in his mouth yet again.

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