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Today is 25th anniversary of Tactics Ogre.
It's my favorite game of all time.

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sogreatandpowerful - keavemind
lambrot - https://t.co/YzBznKAR2t


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L’Ours, mon personnage préféré de ‘Les Ogres-Dieux’, de Gatignol et Hubert.

Bear, my favourite character from ‘The Ogre Gods’, by Gatignol and Hubert.

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It's the grandpappy of tactical RPGs! And over two episodes, the Retro Encounter crew will be Queening up shop in Let Us Cling Together!

Retro 246: https://t.co/6TdN3bDl2q

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Two awesome PSP games.
🔄 RT for
💙 Like for

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I finished lawful route yesterday and have so much fanart energy rn, so I drew Catiua. I liked her much more in the beginning of the game, but her outfit when she’s with the dark knights is awesome 😎

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- The art of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together by Akihiko Yoshida (2010) -

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My favorite part about this drawing is the 2.5hrs it took me to make it

Olivya Phoraena from

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Now that I've completed I'm going to do it all over again

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Què és, un consogre? Un plat típic hongarès, el millor amic del sogre o el pare de la parella del fill? Avui, a l'especial hem penjat un test de que us ajudarà a descubrir què en sabeu, de la família. I, a més, us farà riure! https://t.co/9e6IBoGx1B

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First Catiua of the year! For once I wanted to make her smile to start off the new decade.

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The last Catiua drawing of 2019

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TacticsOgre絵 in 2019


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my 15 years old possessed me days ago and demanded i draw this and i thought i'd finish painting it tonight

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Source: The Standard Model - SoGreatAndPowerful

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Tactics Ogre is 24 years old as of today!

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